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A different kind of longing 

Ink, incense, soil, water, wax, rice paper, sand,

egg, plaster, acrylic and oil on canvas 

100 x 40 cm

I feel most connected with certain moments when I’m at the most isolated spaces

Bone ash, sheep blood (defibrinated), wax, egg, pigment, soil, water, oil, acrylic, plaster and resin on canvas

170 cm x 170 cm

Wanted some more at De Werkspoorkathedraal 140 cm x 170 cm

Sand, soil, water, egg, chalk, marble dust, plaster, acrylic and oil on canvas

Royal Collage of Art (MA) Painting Degree Show

Royal Collage of Art (MA) Painting Degree Show

Reachable Unreachable

Rabbit glue skin, bone ashes, blood, salt, resin, plaster, acrylic and oil on canvas

90 x 120cm

Guardian spirits (Filth)

Bone ash, sheep blood (defibrinated), egg, soil, water, oil, acrylic, plaster and latex on canvas

170 x 170cm


Rabbit glue skin, bone ashes, blood, charcoal, plaster, and oil on canvas

60 x 80cm

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